Monday, March 29, 2010


WARNING: This is a LONG post!

After 11 days, Ethan was FINALLY better. With no vomit, and no diarrhea for 24 hours, all the kids were itching to get out of the house to finally enjoy their last week of track out.

MONDAY: Got part of the house "cleaned" by telling the kids we couldn't go to the movies until their bedrooms were picked up. We went to the dollar theater to see Alvin & Chipmunks. We met David after work for FHE. The kids liked the movie; I took a nap.

TUESDAY: YOGA in the AM! it was my niece Aleksa's birthday. I met my brother and his family at Chuck-e-Cheese. What a great cheap way to spend a couple of hours! Alan is always able to find a coupon for 100 tokens for $10. I divide the tokens amongst my kids while I get to sit and chat with the adults. I had a great time. I will miss doing this with Alan because after 15 months, Alan finally got a job!

WEDNESDAY: I had to get house work done, as well as other work. Evan has speech at 1pm every Wed. so it makes going someplace a little more difficult. Paige came begging to get out of the house again. I told her we'd be going someplace fun the next day.

THURSDAY: Evan has speech on Thursday afternoons,so during the morning I had the kids pack a lunch and we headed out to NC State University Farm Days. It's a free event where the kids can pet animals, climb on trackers, watch a sheep being sheered, "lasso" a cow, etc. We spent 2 hours there and after heading back to our car for lunch, Paige and Rylee wanted to go back into the pavilion to pet more animals, so I gave Paige my cell phone and said, "Be back in 15 min." I can't believe I have a child I can finally do that with!

On top of everything else, they handed out free ice cream. Have I mentioned before how I LOVE free events?

This was the highlight of Ethan's morning. He wouldn't touch the animals.

Do you see Ethan's head hiding next to Paige? He was so funny about being around all these animals.
Paige couldn't get enough of these baby chicks.

Evan was begging for me to buy the bunnies. Yeah . . um. . .NOPE!

FRIDAY: After we picked up Evan from Mom's Morning Out I took the kids to Wendy's for lunch and then headed down town to Marbles Museum. I used to not be so fond of the place, but they have changed exhibits and it was wonderful! It was relatively quiet since it was the afternoon and we stayed until closing. They have completely revamped the upstairs since I last visited. In fact, we didn't even get to all of it because they were so occupied with where they were. Absolutely worth the $5/person. (Even though I do resent having to pay for myself to go into a children's museum!)

Paige spent about an hour doing this!

Ethan spent the time Paige was building to design and continuously race different cars down a track.

This chess game is in in the foyer after you pay. Paige totally crushed her opponent.

SATURDAY: After a late breakfast, we went to the state Farmer's Market. If I can't grow it, I want to buy it here. We always give each of the kids $2 to spend and they have a blast trying to figure out how to get the most bang for the buck. After having bought produce, cheese, meat, and cider we take the kids back to the $1 theater to see The Princess and the Frog. I had to stuff the meat and cheese in my purse because of the warm car (I know, thank goodness for the "mommy bag".) This time David fell asleep, well, we both did, but his snoring woke me up. No lie! I had to shove him at least 1/2 a dozen times for fear someone would start throwing popcorn at him or something. The most entertaining part of the movie was hearing Paige laughing. After this, we went home and enjoy scrambled eggs with our fresh sausage and cheese. It was so good! Not so fond of Peach Cider though.

I think we were able to pack enough into the last week! Now that the kids are back in school, I need to spend some serious time in cleaning my house. I love having my children home, but I love them being in school just as much. After their next track-out in June, Evan will be starting Kindergarten when they track back in. Oh, where has the time gone?



Erin said...

SOOOOOOO glad that Ethan is better and that you could spend some fun, quality time with your kiddos! You guys had a great week! Love all the pics you posted, too!

Jennifer Wege said...

wow, can we re-live that week when I come to visit?!?! That sounds like so much fun!